What’s in this week

Simeon and Anna- Luke 2: 25 -38

May 19, 2024 – Theme: Patient This week we pondered deeper into the subject of patients and learned the story of Simeon and Anna from the Bible (Luke 2:25-38), our kids learned several valuable lessons about patience, 1. Waiting with expectation: Simeon and Anna waited years for the Messiah’s arrival, demonstrating patient expectation and trust in God’s promises. 2. Faithful persistence: Despite the long wait, they remained faithful and continued to serve God, showing kids the importance of persistence and dedication. 3. Joy in fulfillment: When Simeon and Anna finally saw the baby Jesus, they were overjoyed, teaching kids that patient waiting can lead to great joy and fulfillment. 4. Trust in God’s timing: The story highlights God’s perfect timing and encourages kids to trust in His plans, even when they seem slow or delayed. 5. Hope and endurance: Simeon and Anna’s patient wait inspires kids to hold onto hope and endure through difficult times, knowing that God is always at work. This passage helped our kids to develop a strong foundation in patience, faith, and trust in God’s goodness. See you all next week with interesting topics.

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Hannah Women of Patience- May 12, 2024

1 Samuel 1: 9 to 20 This week during our time at kid’s church, we explored the story of Hannah as depicted in 1 Samuel 1:9-20. Despite facing barrenness and ridicule from her husband’s other wife, Hannah demonstrated remarkable patience by turning to God. Through Hannah’s story, children gleaned five key lessons: never let problems distance us from God, trust in God without seeking alternative solutions, maintain unwavering character during tough times, believe in God and his messengers, and fulfill vows made to God. This engaging narrative helped our young ones grasp the importance of patience and wholehearted trust in God.

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JOB & his patience under suffering- May 5, 2024

Bible Passage to read: Book of JOB Job is the prime illustration of patience among the numerous examples in the Old Testament. Job’s patience stands out because Job’s story is extreme in the amount of suffering he endured. In a single day, he lost his children and all his wealth, followed by being covered with painful sores. Even his wife urged him to curse God and die. When his friends finally arrived to comfort him, they couldn’t even recognize him from a distance. Adding to Job’s pain, they falsely accused him of wrongdoing and blamed his troubles on his unrepentant heart. Despite these trials, Job patiently endured as per the Bible. Today, the patience of Job serves as an inspiration to our kids who face times of struggle and suffering. No matter what happens, Kids learn that we are called to follow Job’s example as we patiently endure in service and worship to the Lord, remembering that our Lord is the God of compassion and mercy! Have a blessed week!

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The Missionary Story of Martin Luther – April 28, 2024

During Missionary Week, our children delved into the revolutionary story of Martin Luther, a German theologian, professor, pastor, and church reformer. St. Martin Luther, as a historical figure, is known for his role in the Protestant Reformation rather than missionary work in the traditional sense. However, his actions and teachings have undoubtedly influenced missions and Christian outreach over the centuries.  Kids learnt how to be bold like Martin Luther against powerful opposition. They explored Luther’s Ninety-Five Theses and how these ignited the Protestant Reformation. Reflecting on Luther’s life left a profound impact on our children, inspiring them to share their insights and admiration for his courage and conviction. We believe these lessons will empower our children to stand steadfast when faced with challenges in their own lives.

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Passover and the Prince of Peace -Exodus 12:1-30

April 21, 2024 Passover and the Prince of Peace symbolize God’s flawless plan for redeeming his people from both physical slavery and spiritual bondage. This week in kids Church, we delved into the powerful story of God’s redemption of His people from Egyptian slavery, marking it with the solemn remembrance of Passover during the plague of the firstborn. Through this, children grasped the profound connection between Jesus as the ultimate Passover lamb and the assurance of protection and peace through His sacrificial blood. May the Prince of Peace bestow upon you His transcendent peace, surpassing worldly offerings. Let not your heart be troubled, nor be afraid. Amen!

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