September 25, 2022 Kids Church

Missionary Week – Mary Slessor

This week was Missionary week and at Kids church we learnt about the biography of Scottish missionary Mary Slessor. She was the one who went on spreading the gospel and lived among the tribes of Nigeria. Mary Slessor was a dedicated missionary in the late 1800s to early 1900s, who with vigor and passion built the Lord’s Kingdom to Africa.

Through this missionary’s life, kids learnt how to transform a nation through the gospel and to reach the unreached people. Their take home lesson was how God answers the prayer when we asked in faith. We ended the session watching video and engaging in the interactive session of activities related to the biography of Mary Slessor.

At RWC kids church we share exciting stories of missionaries to allow the kids to understand how the spirit is at work in our world and to motivate them to serve God in all circumstances.

Get inspired and keep inspiring others.

 Have a blessed week ahead!!!

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