July 31, 2022 Kids Church

Missionary Week- Eric Liddell

Memory Verse:

Isaiah 6:8

Also, I heard the voice of the Lord, saying: “Whom shall I send,
And who will go for Us?” Then I said, “Here am I! Send me.”

‘Run for God, not for gold!’. This is what our kids learnt today from the life of a Scottish athlete Eric Liddel who was also an Olympic gold medal list. Liddell put God first and athletics second by rejecting a golden opportunity of participating in 100-meters race for honoring the 4th commandment of Sabbath day.
He also ran for God and led many people into Christ in China. His life testimony greatly encouraged kids to put God first in all their life. ‘God will honor those who honor Him in front of all nations’ is the takeaway message from Mr. Liddell’s life. Surrender your way to Christ completely like Mr. Liddell and God will lead you for His Kingdom mightily. Amen!

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