What’s in this week

The Women Who Caught in Adultery -Nov 12, 2023

Theme: Forgiveness- – John 8: 1 to 11 The story involves a woman who is caught in the act of adultery and is brought to Jesus by a group of scribes and Pharisees. This story is often interpreted as a powerful message of forgiveness, compassion, and the idea that everyone is deserving of God’s mercy, regardless of their sins. It emphasizes the importance of not being quick to judge others and highlights the concept of divine forgiveness. Jesus was punished for us; he forgives our sins took our place on the cross and died for our sins. Our children discussed real-life situations, expressing the challenges of forgiving others. These experiences taught them that no sin is too significant to prevent forgiveness.

The Women Who Caught in Adultery -Nov 12, 2023 Read More »

Nov 5, 2023-RWC Kids Church

November Month – Theme ‘Forgiveness’ The Power of Forgiveness: Lessons from the Life of Stephen in the Bible Today is a new month with new topic for the Month of November- Forgiveness is a fundamental concept in the teachings of Christianity, and the life of Stephen, a prominent figure in the New Testament, provides a powerful example of the importance of forgiveness. Stephen’s life and the valuable lessons it offers on forgiveness, especially for children. Stephen’s Story: Stephen was one of the early Christian disciples, known for his unwavering faith and commitment to spreading the message of Jesus Christ. One of the most remarkable events in his life was his martyrdom. Facing Persecution: Stephen faced intense persecution for his faith, which culminated in a trial before the religious authorities of his time. Despite being falsely accused and harshly treated, he maintained his faith and integrity. The Power of Forgiveness: In the midst of his trials, Stephen demonstrated the power of forgiveness. Even as he was being stoned to death, he prayed for his persecutors, saying, “Lord, do not hold this sin against them” (Acts 7:60). This act of forgiveness, even in his last moments, exemplifies the teachings of Jesus to “love your enemies” and “forgive those who sin against you.” Why Forgiveness Is Important for Kids: Our RWC Children learnt valuable lessons from Stephen’s story about forgiveness: The life of Stephen in the Bible serves as a compelling example of the transformative power of forgiveness. Teaching children about forgiveness through his story can help them develop empathy, promote healing, and contribute to a more peaceful world, aligning with the core principles of Christianity and universal values of compassion and understanding.

Nov 5, 2023-RWC Kids Church Read More »

Oct 29, 2023 RWC Kids Ministry

Week of Missionary- Gladys Aylward This week is a missionary week and our kids at RWC Sunday School learnt about- Gladys Aylward (1902-1970) who was a British Christian missionary who became famous for her work in China. She overcame numerous obstacles to fulfill her calling, including her own limited finances and a lack of formal missionary training. Aylward is best known for her courageous efforts to rescue and care for orphans during the tumultuous years of World War II and the Chinese Civil War. Her life story was later adapted into the popular movie “The Inn of the Sixth Happiness,” starring Ingrid Bergman. Gladys Aylward’s dedication to serving the people of China has left a lasting legacy in the world of Christian missions. Our children found profound inspiration in the life of Gladys Aylward, who courageously navigated numerous challenges throughout her journey. She dedicated herself to serving people in times of both peace and war, exemplifying God’s love and making His presence evident to those she encountered.” Memory Verse Philippians 4:13I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Oct 29, 2023 RWC Kids Ministry Read More »

Oct 22, 2023-RWC Kids Ministry

Monthly Theme: Belief – The Repentant Thief on the Cross (Luke 23) In today’s Kids Church, we explored a valuable lesson about the belief of the repentant thief on the cross. This lesson helped children grasp the concept of a repentant heart and salvation through faith. As the suffering on the cross unfolded, both Jesus and the thief endured the agony of this cruel execution. The thief, witnessing all that Jesus was going through, came to a profound realization of his own sinfulness. This epiphany led him to believe in Jesus as the Savior King who could usher him into the heavenly kingdom. Through his unwavering belief, the repentant thief immediately secured his eternal life in paradise with Jesus. Children now understand the importance of repentance and faith in Jesus for their own salvation. We pray that they may emulate the faith of the repentant thief and find their place in the Heavenly Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

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