Sunday School – 15th May

This week at RWC kids church we had a wonderful session of memory verse recitation by our kids.
Portions covered: January to May 2022 every week’s memory verse

Psalm 119:11 “Thy Word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against Thee.”

Scripture says when we are put in circumstances and tempted to sin, at that time declare the word of God to overcome the situation. Christ Himself demonstrated this when tempted in the wilderness for 40 days. He used memorized Scripture to resist Satan’s attack. The power of memorized Scripture verses is one of the tools that provide instant remedies and helps to comfort, counsel, advise, and correct the life of loved ones. Storing up bible verses in our minds will help us to apply the verse in the appropriate situation with the Holy Spirit’s guidance.
Kids were well prepared with all the memory verses they have learned every week throughout this year. They recited the verses before the class and were encouraged by their friends and teachers. At the end of the class, they also played a guessing game charade with the memory verses. Each one of them had chosen a verse and acted it out in front of the class and others in the class guessed the correct was a fun-filled experience for them and they enjoyed every moment of memorizing the verses.
Please keep the children in your prayers so that the Holy Spirit will guide them to use the verses that are stored up in their minds in every situation of their life. Amen!

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