Here is a glimpse of another exciting Sunday school teaching of this week. In the series of “Being the doers of the word”, today we taught our kids about the importance of “Loving your enemies”. Kids meditated on the ‘Parable of Good Samaritan’ (Luke 10: 25-37) and learned how to spread the love of God to their enemies. We believe that our kids will apply what they have learned under this heading to their day-to-day life and will exhibit the love of Christ even to their enemies by making them friends with the strength of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is easy to educate but hard to execute with our own strength. We encourage you all to love your enemies and pray for those who are mean to you and persecute you. If you want your kids to grow in the word of God, come and be part of RWC Kids Church. Have a lovable week and try to exhibit your love to everyone whomever you meet this week!!!