June 12, 2022- Kids Ministry

Doers of the Word – Tax collector to Love maker (Zacchaeus)
Memory verse: For the son of man has come to seek and to save that which was lost – Luke 19:10

This week’s biblical scripture to meditate under the title “Being the doers of the word” was about Zacchaeus the tax collector. (Luke 19: 1-10). He was short in stature and so was unable to see Jesus through the crowd .Zacchaeus then ran ahead and climbed a tree along Jesus’s path. Seeing the efforts put by him, Jesus said He will come to Zacchaeus home. From the life of Zacchaeus, kids learnt to go any miles it would take to get closer to Jesus. Are you in a crushed situation, feeling low, or in a depressed state? Just keep your focus on Jesus and keep moving towards him. Our life can be changed when God abides in us and you get 100% discount towards your sins and get free salvation! Try Jesus today and see how your life can change. Have a blessed week!!!