January 22, 2023

Topic: Wisdom of Wise and the foolish

‘The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction’- Proverbs 1:7
This week in the kids Church we discussed the need for Wisdom from God. The parable of Wise and Foolish builders that Jesus taught us in the Bible helped us envision this effortlessly.
To stand firm in any rain and storm, the foundation of a house needs to be laid on the rock.
Likewise to stand firm in the trials and temptations of life we need the foundation of our life to be laid on the Word of God.
Knowing the word, keeping them in our heart and obeying the Word of God are the key secrets to stand strong in all storms of our life.
Come join us in RWC Kids Church to learn more of such secrets of life from the Bible. God Bless you all!

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