What’s in this week

Carol Round

Indeed, what a wonderful time of the year it is!! Celebrating the birth of our Savior and Precious Lord Jesus Christ!! As we celebrated spreading the good news with songs of joy and praise going caroling with friends and family, it brought a sense of consolation and connection among the brethren. Visiting friends at their homes, hearing the good news, having a fun time singing aloud in unison, having a meal together has not only brought the church family closer but has been an invitation to share the gospel truth with those who have not experienced Christ’s, unconditional love.Carol’s rounds were further a great reminder to root our foundation in Christ, which can be done with so much love, joy, peace, and thanksgiving. For Christ was born, to save us from our sin, just so that we could be called His children and have everlasting life in Him. He is the reason for the season! All praise be to God!

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Kids Church

This week during Sunday school our kids learnt under lesson title “Jesus- God’s Holy messenger” We read in Bible that whenever Jesus encountered devil he spoke with power and authority. God’s power was in his word and people at many incidents in Bible witnessed that Jesus is a ‘God’s messenger’ based on his speech and deeds. One powerful word from Jesus made the evil spirit to come out of a man (Luke 4: 31-37) The same power was given to us as part of your inheritance in Christ Jesus. Knowing the power of God’s word, taking authority and speaking promises over the problems will make you as a child of God. Word of God is a powerful tool to defeat the devil, make sure you use it at all circumstances. Have a great week! God bless!!

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Women’s Ministry

Sisters’ meeting this we we meditated on 2 Corinthians 9:8 “And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.” God’s abundant favor and Grace surrounds each and every one. God is pleased with the cheerful giver. No matter what you have, how small may it be , if your have a heart to give with faith in Him God will Multiply and make you yield more. Like the young boy who offers 2 fish and 5 loaves to bless the multitude, like a women who offered a little oil to the man of man if God and got blessed in fullness , as we give what we have God’s favor abounds us. Are you ready to yield what you have ?

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Sunday Service

நீ கர்த்தருடைய கையில் அலங்காரமான கிரீடமும், உன் தேவனுடைய கரத்தில் ராஜமுடியுமாயிருப்பாய். ஏசாயா 62:3 You shall also be a crown of glory In the hand of the Lord, And a royal diadem In the hand of your God. Psalms 62:3 You are a crown of glory in the hands of God. It is a sign of authority and responsibility. What are those responsibilities?

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