Kids Church

April 16, 2023 RWC Sunday School

POWER OF PRAYER Faith is an attitude that believes that whatever God has said in His word will happen. Bible says that Faith can move mountains. This month’s theme was faith and our kids learnt what faith can do through book of Esther. Queen Esther stood firm in her faith to rescue her people from evil plans of Haman. Even though situation seems impossible, God made it possible. But Esther had to do her part for God to do His work. When we have eyes of faith, we can see how God miraculously does His work in our lives. God has a way through, but His plan will bear no fruit unless we do our part which may require prayer and fasting along with faith.

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April 9, 2023 RWC Sunday School

Resurrection Sunday The celebration of the Victory that the Lord gave us on the cross over sin and death is inevitable. On this Resurrection Sunday, Kids learnt about the pain that Jesus endured at the  cross, the 7 sayings of Jesus on the cross and the resurrection of Jesus overcoming the sins and death. Kids learnt that in Christ we have eternal life. 
Also, Our Children lifted up the name of the Lord by singing special songs of resurrection and praised His Holy name!
Prayers from RWC kids ministry that the Grace of our Risen Lord may fill your life with the goodness of His resurrection each day! Happy Resurrection Sunday!

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April 2, 2023 RWC Kids Church

Palm sunday This week kids learnt about the importance of Christian festivals. It is important to have a basic knowledge of the religious background and why the festivals are continued till today. We explored together about the auspicious days in Christianity such as Good Friday, Maundy Thursday and the significance Palm Sunday. Holy week  commemorates the washing of the feet of the disciples by Jesus, last supper of Jesus with the Apostles and Triumphal entry of Jesus to Jerusalem. The celebration of Palm Sunday holds great significance for Christians as it marks the beginning of the solemn and sacred journey of Holy Week, leading to the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It serves as a reminder of Jesus’ love, sacrifice, and his ultimate victory over sin and death. Our kids had greater understanding on the religious background and they now know the reason for the celebration of Christian festivals.

April 2, 2023 RWC Kids Church Read More »

March 19, 2023 Indoor retreat day

Theme: Faith (The red sea crossing) Welcome to yet another delightful week at Kids church! Today we continued to learn more about having Faith in the Lord God our Almighty. Through the scripture portion about crossing of Red Sea by Moses and Israelites, the kids learnt about having faith and it’s outcome. After the regular lessons, an electrifying event of indoor retreat, centered around the Theme of “Gospel spreading” was organized. It was not only entertaining and fun but also emphasized the importance of spreading the gospel.  We hope and pray that God will use these kids mightily for His Kingdom in the days to come. Amen!

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March 12, 2023 Sunday School

Theme : Faith (Abraham and Isaac Faith) As we are meditating Bible scripture under the topic FAITH, this week the kids learnt about Abraham. Abraham is seen as the ‘Father of Faith’, he was honored for his obedience. Bible says Abraham believed in God and it was credited to him as righteousness. We all are made righteous through faith that we have in our Lord Almighty. Kids’ memory was refreshed with the  story about Abraham and Isaac’s faith and the three days journey to Mount Moriah. The obedience ,faith of Abraham and respectful character of Isaac was one of the learning elements in today’s Sunday school. Living a life of Faith means never knowing where we are being led, but knowing that the one who leads us lives among us for ever and ever. Putting our complete trust in Him is the need of every hour. May what ever you ask in Faith this month be granted! God bless!

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