Kids Church

July 2, 2023- RWC Sunday School

Theme: Ungodliness–Week 1-Sodom & Gomorrah The Ungodliness of Sodom and Gomorrah: A Lesson in Sin and Destruction The biblical tale of Sodom and Gomorrah serves as a cautionary tale about the consequences of ungodliness and the destructive nature of sin. It highlights the importance of relying on God’s strength to resist temptation and live a virtuous life, even amid a sinful environment. This summary explores the themes of ungodliness, the need for God’s strength, the power of prayer, and the consequences of turning away from righteousness. The Sinful Nature of Sodom and Gomorrah: The cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were infamous for their ungodliness and rampant sin. Sin, by its very nature, separates individuals from God, hindering their spiritual growth and distancing them from divine guidance and protection. Our kids learnt at Sunday school that living in a sinful environment presents numerous challenges, and it is only through God’s strength that one can resist temptation and maintain a clean and righteous lifestyle. The story of Sodom and Gomorrah helped our kids to know the importance of relying on God’s power to overcome the corrupting influences of the world and to stand firm in our faith.

July 2, 2023- RWC Sunday School Read More »

June 25, 2023 Kids Church

Week 4 – Missionary week- The Corrie ten Boom story This is the last week of the month and today our kids learnt about ‘The story of Corrie ten Boom’ which offers valuable lessons for our children. Firstly, it teaches them about resilience and determination in the face of adversity. Despite the challenges and dangers during World War II, Corrie and her family remained steadfast in their faith and commitment to helping others. The story also emphasizes the importance of compassion and selflessness. Corrie’s father risked his own freedom to protect and assist those in need, showing children the power of empathy and kindness. Additionally, Corrie’s ability to forgive and love even those who had wronged her demonstrates the significance of forgiveness and the capacity for healing. Overall, the story of Corrie ten Boom encouraged our RWC kids to have faith, show compassion, and persevere in the face of challenges. Matthew 5:14 ‘But I say, love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute you’

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June 11, 2023- RWC Kids Church

Theme-Lying is sinful- Week 2- –Rahab’s Life This week our kids learnt how lying is sinful from life of Rahab, a Canaanite woman and former prostitute, is known for her remarkable faith and the role she played in the conquest of Jericho. When Israelite spies were sent to scout the land of Canaan, Rahab protected them and hid them from her city’s authorities. She demonstrated her faith in God by acknowledging His might and choosing to align herself with His people. Rahab’s faith led her to act and request that the spies spare her and her family during the impending destruction of Jericho. In return, the spies agreed, and Rahab tied a scarlet cord in her window as a sign of protection. When Jericho was attacked, Rahab and her family were saved, showcasing the power of her faith and God’s mercy. This story serves as a powerful reminder that faith must be accompanied by action and that lying is a sinful act with consequences.

June 11, 2023- RWC Kids Church Read More »

June 4, 2023-Kids Church

Theme- Lying is sinful-Week 1- Ananias and Sapphira This week we started this month with new topic ‘Lying is Sinful’ and we covered The story of Ananias and Sapphira, found in the book of Acts in the Bible, serves as a powerful reminder of the sinfulness and consequences of lying. This narrative highlights the importance of honesty, integrity, and the dangers of deceit. The story of Ananias and Sapphira serves as a powerful reminder of the seriousness of lying. Their sin was not merely the act of withholding money but rather the deliberate deception and hypocrisy they displayed to the early Christian community. Our kids learnt a timeless lesson about the sinfulness and consequences of lying. It reminded them of the importance of honesty, integrity, and accountability in their daily lives. Let this narrative encourage our little ones to embrace truthfulness and avoid the pitfalls of deceit, striving to build relationships based on trust and authenticity.

June 4, 2023-Kids Church Read More »

May 28, 2023 – Kids Church Missionary week- Mother Teresa

Mother Teresa, born as Anjezë Gonxhe Bojaxhiu on August 26, 1910, in Skopje, now part of North Macedonia, was a prominent figure in the Catholic Church and a renowned missionary. She dedicated her life to serving the poor, sick, and marginalized, and became a symbol of compassion and selflessness worldwide. The Missionaries of Charity started with a small group of 13 members and grew steadily over the years, establishing hundreds of missions, schools, hospitals, and shelters around the world. Mother Teresa’s unwavering commitment to the poorest of the poor gained international recognition and earned her numerous accolades. In 1979, she received the Nobel Peace Prize for her humanitarian work. Key Learnings: Despite the acclaim, she remained humble, considering herself a servant of God and an instrument of His love. Her legacy of compassion and service to humanity. Her encouraging acts of kindness, charity, and unconditional love for the less fortunate. Our RWC kids were so inspired through this missionary story and are eager to serve the world like Mother Teresa.

May 28, 2023 – Kids Church Missionary week- Mother Teresa Read More »