9:00 AM தமிழ் | 11:30 AM English
9:00 AM தமிழ் | 11:30 AM English | 2:30 PM Español
Church History
In 2019 a small group of people as few as 6, led by the Holy Spirit under the guidance of Pastor James, gathered together to worship the Lord and to reach the community around to spread the love Christ.
Being given the burden to reach the unreached and to bring revival, the church was planted and named as “REVIVAL WAVES OF CHRIST” Ever since the church was planted, God has been faithfully leading His children and RWC is growing stronger and wider with multicultural people.
Currently this vibrant family called RWC is having services in Tamil, English & Spanish languages. This family in Christ is reaching out and helping as far as India, Sri Lanka, Cuba, El Salvador, Africa and widely in Canada.

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What’s in this week

“Relationship” between the famous Twins, Jacob and Esau.
This week at RWC Sunday school, we explored an engaging story from the Bible about the ‘ Relationship ’ between…

A Week of Inspiration with Our Little Champs!
This past Sunday, we had another incredible and energetic week with our Little Champs, where we focused on a special…

Kids Church – Mega Memory Verse
This week, at our Kids church we had Mega memory verse competition, where children were tasked with memorizing the full…

Significance of Numbers in the Bible
This week, our kids delved into the topic “The Church – One Body with Many Parts”, with a focus on…
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I was praising God and worshiping along with the song. And when we were singing these lines, the Lord really opened my eyes in wonder, and He showed me the path of all the celestial objects in the Universe. Look at the path that Earth Orbits around the Sun, the path that the moon runs, the path of each planet, the Sun, the Stars and all the Galaxies, all perfectly spinning in its position. Wowwwww! Who made the roads for them to run on? Who positioned all of them so perfectly, that they don’t collide with each other? Who counted them and named them all? No words to explain His Glory! Nothing compares to His handy works. As we read in Psalm 19: 1 – 7
Christina Alwin
Praise the Lord, I am Lydia Vincent from Chennai India. My husband and I want to share this testimony about our daughter as a family for the Glory of God. Deborah Marvela, Our daughter is an absolute marvel & blessing from the Lord because she was born extremely preterm weighing only 780 gms and was hospitalized for 3 months after her birth in NICU care. Even though it was such a tough time for us to go through as parents God helped us to endure those painful & dire moments without any terrifying episodes. She is wonderful till date by the grace of God.
Lydia Vincent
“Praise be to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. This Testimony is about our 16 years old eldest daughter . In the year 2020, She got into the situation to attend the school online due to COVID. The very first day of the school itself, she started to pull her hair from head. At first we didn’t notice anything. After a few days, we found that she was scared, confused and not able to focus on her studies.
After follow-up, the Doctor suggested that she has to be admitted in the hospital for further treatment. She cried and said that she didn’t like to stay in the hospital. With a heavy heart we left her there. During the visiting hours, whenever we visited her, We kept telling her that, “when you pray to our Lord Jesus, he will heal you”. She believed it in her heart and started to pray. Within 10 days, she was completely healed and was discharged from the hospital. The Lord answered her prayers. All glory to our Lord Jesus Christ alone. Everything changed within two weeks
Esther Deen
We thank and Praise God for making us a testimony. As Psalm 127:3 says, children are a heritage from God, we are blessed with a baby after 4 years of marriage. God has done wondrous miracles in our lives.
Mathew Antony
Psalm 23: 1-2 “The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. He make me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.” The powerful word of God was always active and alive in my life.