October 9, 2022 RWC Kids Church

Chosen Vessel for God – Story of Joseph

Psalm 23:4

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil;
For you are with me;
your rod and Your staff, they comfort me

As we step into the last quarter of the year, we are pleased to lead the Bible portion under the new theme ‘Chosen Vessel of God’. We see many characters in the Bible who were chosen by God to lead his people in the right path. One among them was Joseph. Joseph’s life history was shared to our kids, especially the Pit-Prison-Palace experiences. Joseph’s story shows how people can experience God’s presence even in difficult circumstances. Joseph’s life story teaches us that God is in control, and He is faithful to His promises.  Through Joseph’s life, kids learnt how to respond to a negative situation. They also learnt to forgive other mistakes.

May we surrender our adversaries to God and allow God alone to control our life. Have a blessed week and try to forgive your enemies!

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