November 6, 2022 Kids Church

Chosen Vessel for God – Nehemiah to rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem

Memory Verse:

 Nehemiah 2:20

The God of heaven Himself will prosper us; therefore, we His servants will arise and build

Yet another week to learn about another chosen vessel for God – Nehemiah. 

Nehemiah was one of the important vessels chosen by God to rebuild the broken walls after the exile, restoring the people’s faith and reforming of their conduct.   

From the story of Nehemiah kids were prompted to turn to God in prayers whenever they are in trouble. They also learnt on how to be persistence and committed towards the vision of God and to collaborated with people of God.   

When God is your plan, He gives miraculous power for the accomplishment of the great work you have begun. And you can boldly say that the Joy of the Lord is my strength like Nehemiah! Have a joyful week!.