June 26, 2022- Sunday School

Missionary week- Jim Elliot and his friends

Month End_Missionary Week

The last week of the month was very special as we meditated on the life of missionaries in and around the world who died as a martyr for the spreading of the Gospel. This month our kids learned about the life of an American Christian missionary ‘Jim Elliot and his friends and how the people of Ecuador were evangelized by them. The sacrifice of the five missionaries has resulted in reconciliation and transformation in the tribe and it has inspired thousands to serve Christ. Learning outcome through this amazing story was to know the importance of reaching the unreached, and how to show the love of God to those who show hatred. They also learned to stand for God with zeal even if it costs their lives. They learned to be obedient to God’s calling and stand firm in the test. We hope such learning will help our kids to be rooted in the love of Christ deeply and they may not be shaken even if the worst wind attacks them. Pls do Continue to say a word of prayer for our church and for our little ones! God bless!!