What’s in this week

Differences between Being Spiritual and Being Religious.

On Sunday, January 5th, the youth fellowship gathered for our regular meeting, where we had an engaging discussion on the topic: “Differences between Being Spiritual and Being Religious.” The discussion was grounded in the Gospel of John, Chapter 4, with a particular focus on verses 21 and 24. Summary of the Discussion: The session began with a reading of John 4:1-26, which recounts Jesus’ encounter with the Samaritan woman at the well. The group reflected on how this conversation highlighted a shift in focus from external religious rituals to a more personal, spiritual relationship with God.     Key Scripture References:  John 4:21: “Woman, believe me, a time is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem.” John 4:24: “God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.” 1.⁠ ⁠Understanding Being Religious: We explored what it means to be religious and identified it as:• Following a set of rules, traditions, and rituals prescribed by a religious institution.• Emphasizing outward acts of worship, such as attending church, observing holy days, or performing specific ceremonies.• Focusing on visible practices that often aim to show devotion but may lack inner transformation. Examples discussed included the Samaritan woman’s mention of worshiping on specific mountains and the religious debates of the time about “proper” worship locations. 2.⁠ ⁠Understanding Being Spiritual: Being spiritual, as emphasized by Jesus, involves:• A heartfelt, personal connection with God.• Worshiping God in spirit and truth, which transcends physical locations and outward practices.• Emphasizing inward transformation, sincerity, and authenticity in one’s relationship with God. In light of John 4:24, the group noted that true worship must come from the heart, inspired by the Holy Spirit, and aligned with God’s truth. 3.⁠ ⁠Key Differences Between Spirituality and Religion:• Focus: Religion often focuses on external observances, while spirituality prioritizes internal transformation.• Relationship: Religion can sometimes become about following rules, whereas spirituality is centered on a personal relationship with God.• Worship: Religious worship might be tied to specific places or rituals, but spiritual worship is about connecting with God anywhere and at any time. 4.⁠ ⁠Practical Application: The group discussed how we, as youth, can move beyond mere religious practices and embrace true spirituality:• Cultivating a personal prayer life.• Reading the Word of God with a desire for understanding and transformation.• Allowing the Holy Spirit to guide our decisions and actions.• Worshiping God with sincerity, whether in private or in a group setting. Reflection and Conclusion: We concluded that both spirituality and religion have their place, but Jesus calls us to prioritize spiritual worship that is authentic and personal. We were reminded that God is not limited to a specific location or ritual—He seeks those who worship Him genuinely, with their hearts fully engaged. The session ended with a time of prayer, asking God to help us deepen our relationship with Him and worship Him in spirit and truth.

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kids church

A Time of Thanksgiving and Reflection

This week at RWC Sunday School, our kids had a special opportunity to reflect on and give thanks for the blessings of 2024, recognizing God’s goodness throughout the year. We kicked off the celebration with a fun game of musical chairs, where the kids enjoyed the thrill of the game while also sharing their thoughts when the music paused In addition to sharing, our beginners and primary children also worked on a creative craft project—building their own “Gratitude Tree.” They expressed their thankfulness by writing on gratitude tree and then shared their contributions with their peers. We concluded this special time together with a heart of thanksgiving, praying that the Lord will continue to guide, lead, and help us grow in faith, so that we may be fruitful in His service in the coming year. Each child took a turn to share their reflections on the following: One of the best things I enjoyed at Sunday School. My key takeaway from this year’s lessons. How helpful the Kids Church and Bible teachings were at Sunday School. Personal testimonies and experiences. My expectations and hopes for next year. A memorable moment or lesson from 2024.

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Bible Study, First Peter

Hope in the midst of suffering

I Peter 1  1:4 – மறுபடியும் ஜெநிப்பித்தார் – begotten us again. 1:5 – By faith, protected by His power – our reward is in heaven. 1:6 – while you are happy by that hope, persecuted on this earth, if needed be, by various trials.  1:8-9  – reward for your faith – the salvation of your souls.  1:10-12 – Connecting the prophets, their prophecy of the grace that would come just as the Spirit testified the sufferings of Christ and the glory that would follow after.  1:13-21 – Consider soberly what God has called you for. Be of strong mind (no confusion) and put your trust completely on that grace when you realize Jesus.  14-16 – Be Holy because Lord your God is holy. 17 – Have reverential fear.  18 – 21 Not by products but by the precious blood of Jesus – remember what Lord God has done for you.  Verses 22-25 – Key points – Let your life match your calling  Obey to truth – sincere love for fellow brethren Key points: We are begotten again, born again. Our faith, protected by God’s power and the rewards is in heaven. This hope gives us joy but persecution on this earth is unavoidable and so we go through various trials. The greatest reward for our faith is the salvation of our souls.  The prophets of the past, their prophecy of grace and the Spirt that testified Jesus’ suffering and the glory after. 

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David and Mephibosheth- June 2, 2024

2 Samuel 9: 1-13 Our kids learned four valuable lessons from the above bible portion during Sunday school. Lessons on Kindness from life of David and Mephibosheth 1 Samuel 9: 1 to 13 Kindness Beyond Obligation: David’s actions go beyond what is required or expected. Despite being king and having no obligation to Saul’s family, David actively seeks an opportunity to show kindness.    Loyalty and Keeping Promises: David honors his covenant with Jonathan. This loyalty highlights the importance of keeping promises and being loyal to our commitments. Compassion for the Vulnerable: Mephibosheth is vulnerable, both physically (being crippled) and politically (as a descendant of the former king). David’s compassion for him shows that kindness involves recognizing and uplifting those in vulnerable positions. Unconditional Kindness: David’s kindness is not contingent on what Mephibosheth can offer in return. This exemplifies the nature of unconditional kindness—offering help and support without expecting anything back. Reflecting God’s Kindness: David’s kindness can be seen as a reflection of God’s kindness to us. Just as David sought out Mephibosheth, God seeks lost people to show them love and grace. The story of David and Mephibosheth is a timeless example of kindness, rooted in loyalty and compassion it can transform lives, help our kids to be proactive, support the vulnerable, practice unconditional kindness, and promote dignity. Be kind and helpful have a blessed week ahead.

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Saint Augustine – Missionary Story of the month- May 26, 2024

Catholic Heroes of the Faith The story of Saint Augustine offers several valuable lessons for children.   The Power of Transformation: Augustine led a wild and wayward life in his youth, but through reflection and the influence of his mother and friends, he transformed into a devout Christian and an influential theologian. The Importance of Education and Knowledge: Augustine was a highly educated man who valued knowledge. Before converting to Christianity, he studied various philosophies and religions, showing the importance of a thorough and thoughtful approach to understanding life. Perseverance and Patience: Augustine’s journey to faith was long and filled with struggles. His mother, Saint Monica, prayed for him for many years, demonstrating patience and unwavering hope. Listening to One’s Inner Voice: Augustine’s conversion was deeply personal and involved listening to his inner struggles and seeking a deeper understanding of his nature. The Role of Mentorship and Guidance: Ambrose, the Bishop of Milan, greatly influenced Augustine, whose guidance helped him find his spiritual path. The Value of Confession and Forgiveness: Augustine’s famous work, “Confessions,” is an open admission of his past mistakes and a reflection on how he found forgiveness and peace. Faith and Reason Can Coexist:  Augustine is known for integrating faith with reason, showing that questioning and thinking deeply about one’s beliefs can strengthen faith. These lessons from Saint Augustine’s story helped our children to understand that personal growth, education, patience, and seeking guidance are all important parts of life.

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