February 12, 2023
Fear Of God Vs Fear Of Evil- ‘Elisha And The Invisible Army’ This is what the kids learnt this week as our theme for this month is ‘ Fear of the Lord’. Elisha was fearless even though the city of Dothan was surrounded by the enemy’s camp. Elisha’s servant was frightened seeing this. But Elisha prayed and Lord opened the servant’s eyes and he saw that mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire was all around Elisha. God is our protector! The kids learnt to distinguish fear of God and fear of evil. No matter what we go through, we should never fear evil. Kids learnt about Elisha’s fearless spirit and how powerfully God used him. They also did some craft work which they always enjoy doing it. May the Fear of God alone lead our kids and may they stand bold for the Kingdom of God like many other prophets mentioned in the Bible.Hold us in prayers and for revival in our GTA, Have blessed week!!