Kids Church

March 5, 2023 Kids Church

Deborah The Judge (Judges 4: 1-24) We at kids church enter every new month with great energy and enthusiasm, as we learn about a new topic every month. The topic of the month for March is “Faith”. We are called to walk by faith and not by sight and in having little faith we can move mighty mountains that hinder our walk with the Lord. “Faith in God” is the theme for the month that the kids will be learning about throughout the month. And being the first week the kids learnt about Prophetess and Judge Deborah who by faith delivered Israelites from the hands of the Canaanite Army and led them safely for forty years by the grace of God. Do you want your kids to be a part of this enthusiastic way of learning about the Bible? You are always welcome to RWC Kids church. We hope you have a happy March into spring, in Christ!

March 5, 2023 Kids Church Read More »

Feb 26, 2023 RWC Kids Church

Bible quiz- Book of Mark Bible Quizzes are always intriguing, and it is one of the encouraging factors for our kids to read Bible every day. This quarter Bible quiz was from the Book of Mark and it was based on age category. We had three different styles for kids to participate in the Bible quiz. It is vital to have such quizzes to teach them how important  the Word of God is. Bible says in John 1:1  “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” The Word of God was there from the beginning. Through the Word, God created the world. Let us encourage our kids to read the word daily and to meditate on it.

Feb 26, 2023 RWC Kids Church Read More »

February 12, 2023

Fear Of God Vs Fear Of Evil- ‘Elisha And The Invisible Army’ This is what the kids learnt this week as our theme for this month is ‘ Fear of the Lord’. Elisha was fearless even though the city of Dothan was surrounded by the enemy’s camp. Elisha’s servant was frightened seeing this. But Elisha prayed and Lord opened the servant’s eyes and he saw that mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire was all around Elisha. God is our protector! The kids learnt to distinguish fear of God and fear of evil. No matter what we go through, we should never fear evil. Kids learnt about Elisha’s fearless spirit and how powerfully God used him. They also did some craft work which they always enjoy doing it. May the Fear of God alone lead our kids and may they stand bold for the Kingdom of God like many other prophets mentioned in the Bible.Hold us in prayers and for revival in our GTA, Have blessed week!!

February 12, 2023 Read More »

Feb 5, 2023 Sunday School

Topic: Fear of God vs Evil Memory Verse Proverbs 19:23 The fear of the Lord leads to life,And he who has it will abide in satisfaction;He will not be visited with evil. We welcome this new month while giving thanks to God Almighty for helping us complete the previous month’s learning at Kids Church. The theme for this month is “Fear of the Lord”. In this series for this week, we discussed the fear of the great Prophet Elijah, towards the evil queen Jezebel and how God delivered him from that fear and took him into His Mighty Kingdom. As scripture says in 2 Timothy 1:7, kids learnt that God has not given us the spirit of fear instead He has given us the spirit of power and of love and of a sound mind. Kids also learnt that our Lord Jesus Himself is with us always. Whenever they go through any scary moments in their lives , they can claim the promise that the Lord has given us, not to be afraid and to have complete trust in Him. We had a joyful and fun filled learning of God’s Words in Kids Church! Have a wonderful month in Christ!

Feb 5, 2023 Sunday School Read More »

January 29, 2023 Sunday School

Missionary Week: The William Booth Story Memory Verse Hebrews 13:16 “And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.” First missionary story of this year was about one of the passionate preachers who influenced millions of people who was also the founder of The Salvation Army – William Booth and Catherine Booth. He was famously known as The Prophet of the Poor. His zeal for God changed many people’s life at the east end of London. Many people accepted Jesus as their personal Saviour after listening to the gospel of William Booth. This encouraged him to run earnestly for Christ. His book ‘In Darkest England and The Way Out’ (published in 1890) outlining The Salvation Army social campaign became a best-seller. Our kids were galvanized hearing the life history of William booth and it encouraged them to be a blessing for the needy around them.Try to keep at least 1 people happy around you this week and have a blessed week!!!

January 29, 2023 Sunday School Read More »