August 7, 2022 Kids Church

Power of God-With God all things are possible-Part 2

Memory Verse:

Proverbs 3:6 In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.

Plague of Egypt: Part 2 – Is the continuation of the ten ancient plagues of Egypt, and this week we learnt 6-10 plague of Egypt. Through Moses his servant God gave 10 chances to Pharaoh to change his mind, repent, and turn to the one true God. Every time God increased the severity of the consequence of the plagues suffered for disobedience to his request. Pharaoh, because of pride, refuses to be taught by the Lord, and receives “judgments” through the plagues. Kids learnt that God displays power, love for his own people. They could realize how miraculously God fought for rescuing his own people and they learnt to put their complete trust on God and always to remember that ‘There is only one true God who is all powerful and in control.’

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